Participating Artists
Peter H. Harskamp (Netherlands)
I like the A.R.T., which is very different from art fairs in Europe; there are lots of beautiful artworks at European art fairs, with polite yet distant visitors. But here in Taipei, a venue full of positive energies, visitors are enthusiastic to arts, even school children come to draw sketches. That’s amazing. Moreover, people are so friendly and open here, not just smiling at the fair, but also in the Taipei city. Everyone smiles brilliantly, seemingly happy and satisfied.
Alfonso Cuñado (Spain)

I’ve been participating the A.R.T. for 5 years in a row, and feeling the A.R.T. is like a huge family with familiar people around, like returning to our second home. The booth is great for me this year, located around the main hallway, spacious and with sofa. I totally entrust to the organizer’s arrangement. I do my work to present good paintings, and leave the rest to the organizer.
Kaled Zaki (Egypt)

The exhibition is better than last year; it’s not easy to attract people’s attention year by year, indicating the A.R.T. involving with tremendous efforts each single year. At the A.R.T., we can enjoy artworks from different countries and cultures. This is one of the most important art exhibition in the world. Maybe people don’t know much about it yet, but they will in the future.
Pascal Bejeannin (France)

I’m so happy to participate in the A.R.T., this year; this is my first time to Taiwan, and I’m so proud of it. It’s the biggest art fairs in Asia I’ve ever been, very well-organized. People here are nice, kind and smiling.
Solveiga Vasiljeva (Latvia)

It’s my first time to exhibit in Taiwan, a huge art fair with lots of artists. The A.R.T. is perfectly organized with great staff being so kind and ready to help. This event is one of a kind.
Saw Tamala (Burma)

Appreciate the A.R.T. granting me the opportunity for culture exchanges. I didn’t know about the A.R.T., and it’s my first time to take part in such a grand art fair, which makes me nervous, while I also learn a lot from it. I enjoy artworks from so many countries and make friends with foreign artists.
Victor Lopez De la Fuente (Spain)

It’s my first time participating in the A.R.T., an excellent art fair in every aspect, which makes me satisfied. I used to exhibit at galleries around the world, in which I met with professionals; while in Taipei, I meet with the public. It’s a brand new experience to exchange ideas with people.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Richard Winkelaar (Netherlands)

The A.R.T. is the grandest art fair I’ve ever been, full of amazing and diversified artworks from different countries; it brings me lots of inspirations to create more artworks. Hope I can present more artworks next year.
Svyatoslav Artemov (Russia)

There’s only one word to describe my feeling about participating the A.R.T.—“amazing”. Actually I was looking forward to exhibiting here, and it makes me feel so happy to make it this year.
Bhaskararao. Botcha (India)

The A.R.T. is worthy of describing as “great”, being so grand. I participated in European art fairs, also in Germany, but it’s so special that the A.R.T. could make it so well-organized with transparent information covering when and how to register, where to send the materials, even a clear direction to the venue in Taiwan. The materials at the venue are so well-prepared that foreign artists can find all information they need. It’s indeed not easy to organize in such a systemic way for this kind of huge-scaled art fair like A.R.T.
Yana Katsuba (Ukraine)

This is my first time to participate an art fair in Taiwan, also my first time to Taiwan. It’s a well-organized event with great people. I like Taipei as it’s a comfortable and clean city.
Anna Boak (Poland)

This is my second time participating in the A.R.T. after 3 years ago. I’m highly amazed at the Art Director’s artworks to fuse fossils dated back trillions of years ago into modern sculptures. What an incredible originality! I’m so happy to have the opportunity to exchange ideas with people in Taiwan at this exhibition. It’s a great experience to encounter with different cultures. I like the A.R.T., to present again my works to audiences at this international exhibition. In addition, the security is well- organized, which makes me feel secure.
Anjin Abe (Japan)

I’m quite satisfied with the arrangement of A.R.T. and the exhibition layout in a whole.
Emi Uchida (Japan)

This is my first time to participate in this art fair, which is quite large-scaled compared to others. Visitors are active; exhibiting artworks are in great quality, relatively creative and characteristic. The overall arrangements are highly satisfactory. It’s a very comfortable exhibition environment, and one the best surprises is to see the Chinese artists I met before. It’s really amazing to see the colossal fossil sculptures right at the entrance, so special and creative.
Kurma.S Kameswara.Rao (India)

This is my second time to exhibit at the A.R.T.; as usual, the staff is friendly and the environment clean and comfortable. I can’t ask for any improvement about the A.R.T., only hope that I can keep on submitting my works, being accepted, so I can come here again. I look forward to the 7th edition, and hope this wonderful event can go on annually, and I could participate continuously. Hope more and more artists from the world can get together here.
Hiroyuki Asano (Japan)

It’s a great honor to exhibit at this grand event, which makes me feel honored, happy and grateful.
The large-scaled A.R.T. exhibition with crowded visitors is comparable to other art fairs worldwide, so popular and grand. Visitors love and care about arts, most of them with great art knowledges, which totally changes my views about Taiwan. I’m greatly moved and amazed at the scale of A.R.T., which attracts so many famous artists and their works to this event.
Dita Luse (Latvia)

It’s my first time to Taiwan for the A.R.T. which is in great quality, and artists are taken in great care. It’s awesome.
Marc HANNIET (France)

This is my first time to exhibit in Asia; I took part in other French exhibitions as well. The arrangements in the A.R.T. are terrific, with all 5-star planning for each section. It takes about one to two hours to tour around the whole site, not too exhausting. All exhibiting artworks are in great artistic quality and level; each artist brings a few pieces of his/her works, so we can enjoy so many interesting and diversified artworks. It’s rare to encounter artists with similar sensibilities; so great to talk to each other.
Víctor López de la Fuente (Spain)

This is my first time to exhibit at the A.R.T., which I consider as an excellent art fair in all aspects;
it’s satisfactory. I participated in the international gallery exhibitions, talking to professionals all the time. It’s a fresh experience for me to talk to the public in Taipei at the fair. Appreciate very much about the assistance offered by the organizer. I feel so happy to sense the kind nature from visitors during our conversations.
Manuel Lopez Herrera (Spain)

I come back again after last year. In addition to the detailed information and other assistances offered by the organizer, it’s highly appreciated that my booth is well located with so many visitors go by. I feel almost the same like last year, but much happier and more satisfied. I like Taiwan very much since my first time here last year, and this year only makes me like more. It’s so great that register for next year right here. We’d love to come back for the A.R.T. every year.
This art fair is totally different from those in U.S.A. or Europe, very strict from the start, but taking good care of artists with frequent mutual exchanges and communications. With other exhibitions, most of the time I have to work alone, all on my own. The biggest difference here is I can feel full human warmth and kindness, and care from the organizer.
Tom Rook (U.K.)
The A.R.T. is awesome, presenting so many artists and great artworks.
Rosa (Spain)
I’ve participated in the A.R.T. for 5 years in a row, which has been in excellent quality and high standard. We designedly arrange 7 artists in totally different style to present their artworks, hopefully to bring a diversified visual festival to the audience.
Chang Yuyin (China)

It feels great to be at the fair site; the A.R.T. keeps making progress each year, including the layout, installation and so on. Every detail such as carpets, lighting and exhibiting artworks has been much better than before. I feel honored and lucky to exhibit at the fair, and happy too to meet friends such as artists and volunteers.
Zhang Shiying (China)

I’m so happy to participate in the exhibition which is getting better and best. It’s also very touching to see volunteers’ enthusiasm and engagement. I’m so amazed at the Art Director’s artworks, innovative both in subject and content; I’ve learned a lot from the exhibition.
Wei Shaodong (China)

I participated in various exhibitions in China and Hong Kong, and the first time in Taiwan. The A.R.T. appears to me as a very professional, elaborate and meticulous exhibition, which also conveys the sense of the fine life quality in Taiwan. I concerned about the current state of thinking, but will adjust my color scheme and contents to be aesthetic and closer to collectors in Taiwan, after this encounter.
Pan Qingzhong (China)

My first time to Taiwan for exhibition, and I’m so happy and surprised to see so many people in Taiwan love arts. The Hundreds of Celebrities event is such as meaningful event to help people in need through arts, which touched me in great deal. “Good” is the only word I have about the organizer, in which I couldn’t pick any defection; I’ve never seen any exhibition prepared with such meticulous arrangements and dedications. I feel extra excited every day to the exhibition, and inspired through exchanges, learning, and studies with other artists for my future arts creations.
Thomas Leung (China)

It’s my first time to exhibit in Taiwan; the A.R.T. is in incredible administration, and it’s a great honor to exhibit with other excellent artists. There are all different kind of artworks in various topics presented here; and I got to know lots of artists with unique creativeness for the first time. I’m American Chinese from Hong Kong, exhibiting in U.S.A., Japan, Singapore, Shanghai and other places, and the A.R.T. is one of the rare exhibitions in top quality. Hope I can come back again next year.
Ning Tao (China)

This is my second to exhibit at the A.R.T., but the first time to attend the event personally as a training. And the impacts from direct exchanges are so powerful. The services offered by the organizer are so well in place and the volunteer assigned to us is just so unimaginably excellent; and all details are just exquisite. Hope I can come to exhibit here next year. I have many collectors in Taiwan who come to see me, and meet here with lots of artist from China too. Feel so Happy!
Cheng Yi (China)

It’s great from the preparation to VIP Preview, with sincere communications. The A.R.T. has all details set well in place, indeed an excellent platform. I’ve learned so much in just two days, and appreciate the opportunity to exhibit. I’ll participate again if opportunity available. I saw Song Yonghua’s works before, and it’s the greatest part to meet him personally at the A.R.T.
Wang Dazhi (China)

This is my third time to exhibit at the A.R.T., which makes me feel very like home to meet some volunteers and collector friends. Some collectors from last year come to see me and I meet more new collectors at this platform offered by the A.R.T. It’s essential for artists to constantly improve themselves in the cultural and aesthetic literacy, and I’m inspired and touched in a great deal through exchanges and shares with other artists here. The Tyrannosaurus installation at the theme section is characteristic, indicating the Organizer’s self-improving constantly. It feels good to see the diversified and rich exhibiting artworks from an international curation with great precision.
Zhang Jian (China)

This is my second time to exhibit at the A.R.T., but first time to the venue personally. The A.R.T. seems so professional to me since the preparation, a top exhibition among those I attended. All staff works very hard in a professional way, with great attitude and passions. I make great exchanges and shares with many artists in Taiwan, China and overseas whom I didn’t know well. Being nervous and excited, I enjoy lots of artists’ works in very different styles and characteristics, also have learned a great deal from those highlights. Hope to grab the opportunity to exhibit here next time.
Luo Yilan (China)
Mr. Zhang Yuyin has recommended this exhibition to me, and shared stories about the A.R.T. with me, all positive comments. After coming here, I meet lots of familiar artists from the Shanghai art fair and Shanghai Spring Salon; also make new friends with more art collision. The staff is kind, and volunteers are so careful and thoughtful, with great quality overall.
He Wenbin (China)
This is my first time to the A.R.T., hopefully to get responses from collectors in Taiwan who are appreciative. Given the opportunity, I’d like to paint for the Hundreds of Celebrities, a meaningful event. In my opinion, the visual arts express thoughts; it would make the A.R.T. even better to bring more artworks avant-garde, rebellious, reflective in social changes, and pure arts.
Lu Tsung-Tsan (Taiwan)

It’s such a rare exhibiting platform offered by the A.R.T. organization’s dedications, and the crowed visitors for each year has been the facilitating factor for me to enroll every year.
Chen Sheng (Taiwan)

I think the organizer has every aspect of operation well-considered, and put lots of efforts in serving the art fair and exhibiting artists. The venue is kept comfortable and clean. All in all is very impressive.
Liao Mei-Lan (Taiwan)

The A.R.T. is very dedicated, even in some details such as labelling, exhibition planning, space layout, and great quality in staff.
Lu Bai-Sen (Taiwan)

The A.R.T. takes good care of details, including cleaning, ticket packing and invited media. It’s an exhibition in top quality.
Lee Rong-Guang (Taiwan)

It’s very helpful to study other artists’ works.
Lin Chung-Pe (Taiwan)

It’s touching to see the organizer’s dedications and best efforts, and their professionalism is also “shocking” for me. I’m so happy and grateful for this exhibition opportunity offered to artists in Taiwan.
Chen Hsiu-Wen (Taiwan)

It’s great to have the opportunity to exhibit at the A.R.T. again, which I cherish a lot.
Kelly Mi (Taiwan)

It’s happy to take part in an exhibition for the first time.
Luna Chen (Taiwan)

It’s great to be part of the A.R. T., to savor artworks from artists around the world. There are lots of people fond of my works, art-lovers for cuteness. This year, quite some people become my work collectors for the first time.
Small Sa (Taiwan)

This is my first time to participate in such an international exhibition in big-scale. I feel myself so lucky, as I’m a novice and lack of experiences. There are so many people help me along the way, for which I’m grateful.
Singway (Taiwan)

It’s a great honor to participate in this successful A.R.T., with many collectors taking our works home. Thank you.
MANIHOO (Taiwan)

It’s great to take part in the A.R.T., and appreciate the organizer to gather artists from 47 countries at this event, so we can savor so many different works at a time. Hope I can present more creative works after idea exchanging with other artists.
Cheng Jhih-Wei (Taiwan)

Appreciate the organizer’s assistance in the whole process of preparation, which touches me a lot. Many collectors who take my works understand the messages I’m trying to convey.
Sinba Hsu (Taiwan)

Artworks exhibited here are diversified, a great place for study and exchanges.
David King (Taiwan)

Appreciate the organizer share the “devastating burden” for all arrangements.
Liu Wei-Tsen (Taiwan)

There are much more visitors than I expected. There are new stimulus and inspirations from this
kind of international exhibition offering new perspectives on the world.
Lu Chen-I (Taiwan)

I’m exciting and nervous as a newcomer for the A.R.T., as well as the international exhibition. There
are various artworks from different countries presenting varied concepts and ideas in distinct
ways. Very inspiring.
Tu Tzu-Hua (Taiwan)

I’m thrilled to participate the exhibition for the first time ever, especially this kind of large-scaled
art fair.
Lin Hsuan-Che (Taiwan)

It’s a great honor to participate in the A.R.T. for the first time, also I feel myself lucky to come to
this exhibition together with various artists.
Shih Yu-Chung (Taiwan)

Appreciate the A.R.T. offer a platform for amateur artists; Taiwan’s arts and artists exhibit their
works side by side with those of artists from various countries, to broaden the international vision
on an international stage.
Chen Yong-Lu (Taiwan)

It’s a great opportunity to participate in the A.R.T., a channel offered by the organizer to contact
with collectors and galleries. I obtained lots of suggestions and assistance from the Art Easy,
especially about the market, which makes me think over the balance between the unique style
and the market.
Yu Lien-Chun (China)
This year I present scriptures in smaller scales, and grab quite some attention as well due to its uniqueness. There is incessant stream of visitors for the booth for inquiring.
Cheng Chen-Wen (Taiwan)
Appreciate the organizer’s dedications to prepare such a fine platform.
Yao Yuen (Taiwan)
It’s obvious to me that this year, there are much more artists from China than before, while artists in Taiwan put great endeavors to make progress and transformation.
Liu Han-Wen (Taiwan)
It’s my forth time to exhibit at the A.R.T., and I think the atmosphere is nice and vivid. It’s great to interact with the “direct collectors.”
May Shei (Taiwan)
The A.R.T. is quite well-organized, and quickly responses in packing and installing requests. It’s obviously a strong team.。
Sha Ching-Hwa (Taiwan)
This is my fifth exhibition at the A. R.T., which is a very important platform for artists, often visited by quite some important persons. Most of the time we bury ourselves in creating, and it’s really to have more people see our efforts by participating this exhibition.
Chen Chun-Nan (Taiwan)
This is my second time to exhibit at the A.R.T., which is great in all aspects; visitors flow in as expectedly. I think it’s wonderful.
Kuo Chen-Hsin (Taiwan)
The A.R.T. is so dynamic and diversified; it’s great to savor famous artists abroad, inspiring and helpful for the future works.
Pan Peng-Ping (Taiwan)
It’s great to get to know friends here; by studying other artists’ works, I can see the room for my self-improvements.
Cheng Pi-Chou (Taiwan)
It’s quite extraordinary to see crowds of visitors and collectors every year flowing to the A.R.T., especially under the sluggish economic climate these years. Moreover, I’ve learned a great deal from these two edition by exchanging ideas and viewpoints with artists from different countries.
Kuo Chen-Hsin (Taiwan)
The A.R.T. is full of dynamics and diversifications. It’s great to get to know artworks from famous international artists, and to inspire valuable inspirations. It’s helpful for the future creations.
Yachi Lai (Taiwan)
I’m so happy to be able to participate in the A.R.T. for 6 years in a row. What touches me more is my art collectors come back to see me and collect my works continuously. Those supports motivate me for further creations.
GOGO YU (Taiwan)
I feel grateful for this exhibition in top quality from all staff’s hard working for serval months in a row. The organizer offers a great opportunity for collectors and artists to interact with each other.
Ling Ling (Taiwan)
Feeling so happy that all my personal works were taken right at the VIP Preview. I’ll work harder to bring out more creative works.
Smart Lin (Taiwan)
The quality of artworks presented this year is even better than before.
Hsu Su-Hsia (Taiwan)
It’s an excellent exhibition with diversified artworks. The volunteers are very friendly and with hidden talents.
Lee-chiu Coldmila (Taiwan)
The painstaking efforts spent for this event are un-imaginable; everybody is dedicated and diligent, including artists and staff. It’s just terrific.
Chang Meei-Fah (Taiwan)
It’s wonderful to exhibit my works with so many artists, and with the opportunity to know someone who appreciate you works.
ANO (Taiwan)
Feeling happy!
Shanghai Shi Art Gallery
It’s so joyful to participate in the A.R.T., and I’m surprised by people’s enthusiasm in arts here. Every arrangement is done well and details are taken good care of. I went to quite some exhibitions, but the scale and quality of A.R.T. are just impressively in top.
Lu Bingjing (Art dealer)
The A.R.T. is a high-end platform for artists, which is well-known among Chinese artists. Many artists I know recommend this as an outstanding exhibition in international scale, a platform with great sales rate. It helps artists to sell their artworks, very attractive to artists; lots of them wish to exhibit here and those exhibited here would like to come back. As an art dealer, those artists I represent are my friends, and this platform really helps to promote their artworks, which makes me feel so pleased. If the opportunity available, I would come back to bring more artists over, so they could be benefited.
Visitors and participants for the Hundreds of Celebrities

The donated entity: Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation
Appreciate the organizer’s great efforts and dedications both in public interests and arts, the Sunshine Foundation is so honored to be the donated entity for 3 years. Thanks for celebrities’ warmth and loving care in creating and participating; thanks for the bidders’ love to make arts much warmer.
Lee Jian-Hua, CEO, Chanyun Enterprise Co., Ltd.

I visited the A.R.T. before, and it’s my first time to be part of the Hundreds of Celebrities event. It’s an easy process to create a work, also very meaningful to help the disadvantages at the same time.
Lu Zuei-Ling, Vice-Chairman, REC Technology Corp.

The first time to paint a drawing is for the public interests. I borrowed painting kits from friends. The donated entity is the Sunshine Foundation, so my title is “Walk toward the Sunshine.” I worried that my painting was not qualified, but actually it’s pretty nice.
Chiang Hsiu-Ling, director, Dept of Commodity Design, Fortune Institute of Technology

It’s my sixth time participating in the A.R.T.; at the beginning, the intention was to make others better. Recently, I’ve changed my thinking and hope to offer the sense of healing.
James Ku, CEO Weebly

The theme of my work is “Action,” because I feel it’s what’s needed most in Taiwan. Recently, people are dissatisfied with the status quo. I hope both the public and the new Administration could take actions to improve and make a better Taiwan.
Peter Harskamp, Dutch artist

This charity event is a great idea, and participants are compassionate. Normally I work on paintings in larger sizes; the post card sized work is just not my thing. So every time I have to spend twice as much time for this Hundreds of Celebrities event.
Victor López de la Fuente, Spanish artist

It’s my first time to participate in the Hundreds of Celebrities event, and the A.R.T. also. Both the space and atmosphere are great. The A.R.T. is excellent to make more people reaching out for arts; it’s also a new world to me, which I meet many new friends.
Alfonso Cuñado, Spanish artist

I participate in the Hundreds of Celebrities event every time along with the A.R.T.; people here are compassionate. The theme this time is Salamanca, that’s what I depict in the painting.
Cao Ying, Chinese artist

This is a meaningful event which allows you to do what you are willing to. This is my second-time participation; at the first time, I saw a colorful and style-diversified exhibition site.
Wou Jung-Mei, Taiwanese artist

The Hundreds of Celebrities is a great event, a rare combination between arts and charity; it’s great to be part of it. The artworks presented this year are even more diversified, and in top quality.
Chen Yi-Fan, Training instructor

It’s a meaningful event to promote arts, which I’ve taken part for years in a row. Most of the time I work overseas; and I felt amazed for the first time to visit the A.R.T., which is a great opportunity for artists to meet collectors vis-à-vis, making arts more affordable and reachable.
Judy Chu, consultant to creative styling
This is a deeply meaningful event, which is awesome for me to be able to do some contributions. It’s great for the A.R.T. to bring arts into our daily life. There are many young artists exhibiting their works here, impacting the society in a positive way.
Vivi Ho, entertainer

It’s my first time to participate in this Hundreds of Celebrities event; I feel so happy and hope to be part of it every time. There are so many talented people out there with diversified creativeness, which is very inspiring. Many artworks exhibited at the A.R.T. are affordable to bring home; I’m a collector, and it’s so fulfilling to be here.
Ho Mei-Hwei, CEO, Louyoung Cultural &Education Foundation

My first participation for the charity sake, I draw the scenes at the old town Si-Lou.
Chi-Shuan, radio host

My work is titled as “Best Wishes for You,” transforming the recording waveform into an artwork, with a CD attached, served as my best wishes for the buyer. It indicates that whenever the buyer listens to the CD, he or she receives my best wishes at the same time.
Song Ming, radio host

It’s a great charity event, much better than just donating NT$1000. Will take my part too next year.
Ho Chi-Yuan, radio host

The Hundreds of Celebrities event is meaningful. Everyone has a painting in the mind to express, and it’s just great to contribute the idea to the charity. At the A.R.T., there are all kind of art expressions, as well as concepts and attitudes toward aesthetics. Awesome!
Eric Lee, entertainer

It’s my first time to participate in the Hundreds of Celebrities event, recommended by my friends from the Rotary Club. I feel so great at my first time visiting the A.R.T.; there should be more events like this to be promoted. The culture is our ethos to be carried over for centuries.
Winnie Ho, entertainer

I feel so honored to participate in this event for the first time. I start to draw paintings for my daughter’s sake. Through this event, I can draw for the public interests, which makes me happy.
Helen Thanh Đào, entertainer

It’s a great honor to participate in the Hundreds of Celebrities event, which shares people’s love. The good thing is people buy, because they like the paintings, not because the celebrities.
Sam Wang, entertainer

This is my first time to participate in the Hundreds of Celebrities event; I’m so happy to do this because I can combine my paintings with the public interests, also to have some impressive artworks for myself.
Rosa Anguas, art dealer form Rosa Group
The Hundreds of Celebrities event presents the most beautiful section for the A.R.T., a great charity event. This is our fifth time for exhibiting at the A.R.T., both the layout and route planning are in top quality.
Cabriel Picart, Spanish artist
It makes me so happy to participate in this Hundreds of Celebrities event; what I take is much more than I give. The venue for the A.T. is spacious, and I like very much the exhibition contents this year.
Tom Rook, British artist
The Hundreds of Celebrities event is awesome, an excellent idea. Hope I can be part of it next time to share my love for charity.
Freya Yan, General Manager, ClickForce
I’m pleased and honored to participate the Hundreds of Celebrities for the first time. It’s meaningful and valuable for me to be able to make my contributions.
Huang Xi Shan, Director, Association of Female Elites Taiwan
It’s my second time to participate in the Hundreds of Celebrities event. I paint from time to time, and I draw what I like very much, flowers and butterflies.