
Winner of the 2016 International Artist Grand Prize Competition

Championship & Chairman's Award

Alexander Oligerov (Russia)
Honey Dolmen
Oil on Canvas

Alexander Oligerov (Russia)
Secret of Honey Treasure
Oil on Canvas


Gallery Awards: Selected into "The International Artist Salon of A.R.T 2017" (The following is listed in the alphabetical order by the names of the artists.)
Anna Tolgyesi Poos (Hungry)
Bhaskararao Botcha (India)
Carlo Alberto Palumbo (Italy)
Elena Olimpiev (Bulgaria)
Igor Grechanyk (Ukraine)
Katerina Borodavchenko (Russia)
Maria Kniazeva (Russia)
Nick Fedaeff (Holland)
Otar Imerlishvili (Georgia)
Olaf Ulbricht (German)
Pascal BEJEANNIN (France)
Peter Richard Winkelaar (Indonesia)
​Yacov Gabay (Israel)

Art Revolution Taipei Executive Committee 11F, No.167, Sec.5, Mingsheng E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-7743-7788 Fax: +886-2-7743-2333 Email: