Have An “Art Meeting” with The Masters
A fully-booked art fair is nothing but the beginning of a successful art fair.
When all the booths are filled and a more-than-expected number of artists sign up, then what else is still missing from this art fair? A fundamental choice is still missing - - Is it the intention of the fair organizer to make A.R.T. 2011 a purely commercial event? Or, is it to present an opportunity for the participating artists to have the honor to exhibit their works side by side with those of the masters? If only once in a lifetime an artist has this footnote: “My works were on display along with those of Rembrandt, Chagall, Miró, and Picasso”, then imagine what a sense of pride it would establish and maintain over the artist’s entire career.
The choice that Art Revolution Taipei has made is to have Miró’s work with its print on display side by side. Those who are in the art business would recognize right away that this is the collecting style of Tate London.
We have also found the only “red print” by Rembrandt that is available. We will have it on display side by side with the identical black print along with a classic oil painting with the same content which is so dazzling. When one sees the signature of Rembrandt on the top and the year “1635”, a picture comes to mind of the master’s hands leaving the final finishing touch 476 years ago - - such a sweet reminicence leaves one feeling moved so deeply.
Picasso’s “final artist’s proof”, Chagall’s masterpiece in his later years, the Guillaumet’s at the Musee d' Orsay, the Vernet’s at the Louvre...... We have not lived until we meet them. This coming May, we’ll all have an “art meeting” with the masters.
Lee Sun-Don
Art Director
Upper left is the work by Joan Miró and upper right is the lithographic print. The size of the lithograph is made slightly larger to leave the space for Miró’s signature (Miró’s signature is at the lower right corner of the lithograph).
There’s one condition set by the source that provides these works for sale: the person who is going to collect these works must agree to loan them for the future Joan Miró shows worldwide at places such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Tate Modern, Centre Pompidou, and so on.
The artist’s print by Pablo Ruiz Picasso (preeminent museums all prefer to collect artist’s prints over the final prints).
The upper is the only red print left to be found by Rembrandt van Rijn,, and the black print right next to the red print is the usual final print. The poem right below the print is created and engraved by Rembrandt himself. The painting below the print is a classic work that matches perfectly with the print above in terms of the subject figure, layout and composition, every single book on the book shelf in the back, and even the content of the Bible that he is holding.
A classic fine work: Rembrandt’s famous portrait.
Rembrandt’s work: Rembrandt, only once in his entire life, divided the printing plate into four parts and made the print.